Every year since 1970, on the 22nd of April, we celebrate, or perhaps mourn, Earth Day.

by kirschbaum.gene@gmail.com
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Every year since 1970, on the 22nd of April, we celebrate, or perhaps mourn, Earth Day.
This year the focus of Earth Day is: END PLASTIC POLLUTION.
Here are a few important questions to consider on this day . . .
1.  What possible harm can come from a little plastic?
2.  Which is more healthy for the environment:  plastic or paper bags?
3.  Can we put plastic bags into the recycling bin?
4.  If we can’t put plastic bags into the recycling bin, then what’s the best way to get rid of them?
5.  How can we reduce our plastic footprint?
1.  HARM FROM PLASTIC?  Plastic doesn’t biodegrade, so it lasts for a long time; as a result, plastic bags have become a waste nightmare.  Thousands of whales, birds, seals and turtles are killed every year from plastic bags because the bags are mistaken for food such as jellyfish. Furthermore, plastics break apart in the ocean and when those microscopic plastic pieces are ingested, the toxins are passed up the food chain, eventually reaching humans and sometimes even beavers.
2.  PLASTIC vs PAPER BAGS?  It’s a mixed bag (sorry).  Paper bags can be easily recycled and they biodegrade, so they are an insignificant component of marine debris.  However, paper bags  require over twice as much energy to manufacture as plastic bags.  Furthermore, once you “break the code,” plastic bags can be easily recycled.  Best plan is to reduce the number of plastic bags that you use and then recycle those.    
3.  PUT PLASTIC BAGS IN RECYCLING BINS?  Most cities do not recycle plastic bags in the recycling bins.
4.  HOW TO RECYCLE PLASTIC BAGS.  Plastic bags can be recycled at certain retail stores.  For instance, in Beaver Dam, plastic bags can be recycled at Walmart.  See image of the Walmart blue & white recycling box located at both entrances.

A) Avoid buying items packaged in plastic. 

B) Use reusable shopping bags (Note: Plz wash that bag every couple of months — to reduce/get rid of bacteria).

C) Skip bottled water. Carry a reusable canteen. 

D) Recycle plastic bags at Walmart or elsewhere.

E) When checking out, say, “No bag, please.”

F) Say, “No straw, please.” (Note:  Plastic straws are a major polluter).

G) Wear clothing made from natural (not synthetic) materials.

H) Avoid disposable tableware — or use the biodegradable kind, like wooden silverware and paper plates. 

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